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Zoning Board of Appeals Application and Checklist

Refer to Article 11 of the 2022 Zoning Regulations available at

  1. Click on Park City Portal and complete the plan application online.
  2. Attach a letter of authorization.  A signed and notarized document prepared by the owner of the property or an officer of the court acting on behalf of the property owner.
  3. Attach a written detailed statement of development of use.  Cite the specific provisions of the regulations when seeking a variance.
  4. Attach the building floor plans, building elevations or other information relevant to support the application.
  5. Attach an existing conditions site plan or a site development plan with an A-2 survey for new construction, include the Zone Development Standards table indicating both required as well as the new/proposed standards.
  6. Attach a stormwater management plan & drainage report for new construction.
  7. Attach a list of the address, name and mailing address of all property owners within 100 ft of all property lines of the subject property. 
  8. Optional Attachments:  traffic studies, renderings, other pertinent exhibits and testimonial evidence.

Zoning Board of Appeals