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The City of Bridgeport’s Sustainability Office is partnering with SmartPower, the nation’s leading non-profit marketing organization dedicated to promoting clean energy and energy efficiency, to co-host a special PowerSmart Bridgeport Info Session to explain how a home battery system can be paired with a new or existing residential solar array to provide clean, quiet power at night and especially during a power outage, and how various financial resources can be accessed.  

PowerSmart Bridgeport is a special 20-week community outreach campaign that is funded by a grant from the US Department of Energy and features a team including Yale School of the Environment, New York University - Stern School of Business, and SmartPower. The program is designed to present local residents with the various opportunities and incentives available to them to own solar and battery energy storage systems, which allow residents to convert sunlight into electrical energy and store that energy in a battery for use at a later time. The “EnergyStorageSolutions” solar+storage combination helps residents speed the transition away from fossil fuels. In addition, program participants can sell their excess stored energy to United Illuminating and help make the grid cleaner during critical “peak demand” periods.

Solarize+Storage Info Session January 25, 6:00-7:00PM Margaret Morton Government Center

Join the City of Bridgeport Sustainability Office  to hear about great rebates, Federal tax credits and tips on buying and installing solar and/or battery back-up systems. Residential solar and energy storage at the local level can help “green the grid”.

You can own solar PV panels and an energy storage system that provides zero-fossil-fuel backup power even at night, and especially when the grid goes down! Please register for the event below, we look forward to you joining us!