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Below is a list of important dates to remember for the August 13, 2024 State, Municipal, or District Offices 

July 23, 2024 Absentee Ballots Available
July 26, 2024 Last Day to register online  
August 12, 2024  Last day to register in person at noon
August 13, 2024 State, Municipal and District Offices Primary
July 23, 2024 ABSENTEE BALLOTS   Absentee ballots for State, Municipal and District offices become available this day.  (9-135 and 9-140 (f))
July 26, 2024 VOTER REGISTRATION BY MAIL DEADLINE   If an application of a new voter indicates that it was (1) received by July 26, 2024, by the DMV or a voter registration agency, or (2) postmarked by July 26, 2024 the registrar of voters of the town of residence shall mail a notice of acceptance or rejection on the day of receipt of such application during the period July 27th and noon on August 12th.  Such applications that are accepted by noon August 12th acquire privileges of an elector and may vote in the Primary. (9-23g(c) and (d).
August 2, 2024 UNAFFILIATED VOTERS WHO SEEK TO VOTE EARLY -STATE, MUNICIPAL OR DISTRICT PRIMARY Deadline for unaffiliated voters who seek to vote during the early voting period before the primary to file an enrollment application with the registrar of voters.
August 5 to August 11th, 2024 EARLY VOTING -  PRIMARY-.early voting will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on these days EXCEPT for August 6th and August 8th, when EXTENDED EARL VOTING HOURS APPLY from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
August 2 and August 5 to August 9, 2024 NEW VOTERS WHO SEEK TO VOTE EARLY- Individuals who are not registered but want to vote during the early voting period before the Presidential Preference Primary may do so if they file their voter registration application (for a party holding a primary) with the registrars by NOON on the business day before the day they want to vote during such period.
August 6, 2024 ABSENTEE BALLOT CHECKOFF   whether central counting of absentee /early voting ballots has been designated the registrar of voters may begin on this day and proceed each weekday before the state, municipal or district primary  to perform the absentee ballot checkoff.
July 26th, 2024 IN PERSON VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE. In person voter registration cut-off.  Last voter registration session for the State, Municipal or District  Primary.  Applicants must in appear in person by noon.
August 13, 2024 ELECTION DAY.  Hours of voting 6 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.