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Bridgeport, CT – Today, Mayor Ganim hosted the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of the latest project occurring within the City of Bridgeport. Bassick High School will claim a new home on the South End of Bridgeport at 115 Broad St, taking place of a formerly demolished building belonging to the University of Bridgeport. The new location for the school will allow for 1,250 students to attend with the population being a mix between Bassick and Bridgeport Military Academy (BMA) students.

“I’m honored to have worked in conjunction with the Bridgeport Board of Education, Bassick High School, and Bridgeport Military Academy throughout this project,” stated Alyshia Perrin, Superintendent of Bridgeport Public Schools. “I give special thanks to our City Council and Mayor Ganim for helping to make this new collaboration happen for students in our City.”

With the construction of the new high school, Bassick High School students will now have access to a designated athletic field available for use. The new building will house 48 teaching classrooms, including labs for students and faculty to utilize. The school will also introduce new trade programs to the school that will include Advanced Manufacturing and Aeronautical Tech.

“I’m very excited about the new Bassick High School being built and even more excited about our ability to receive the funding to get this project going. Our students will be able to learn in a state-of-the-art facility while overlooking Seaside Park and it wouldn’t be possible without our Bridgeport delegation and other elected officials involved with this project,” stated Mayor Ganim.

Photo of rendering for the new construction of Bassick High School in Bridgeport
Press Release
Announcements, Development

For more information:

Photo of elected officials, Bridgeport City Council Members, Mayor Ganim, and Bridgeport Board of Education members breaking ground for the new construction of Bassick High School in Bridgeport