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Check Your Local Heat Risk

You can use a new CDC tool to check your heat risk by zip code to help you know what precautions to take to stay healthy and cool.

CDC HeatRisk Tool

Heat Stress: Get Help Fast!

If you or someone else is suffering from heat stress, call for medical help immediately!

Summer Heat Safety Tips

Who’s at Risk?

Anyone can get heat stress, but some people are more at risk, especially those working outside. This includes:

  • Older Adults (65+): They may not handle heat stress well and might not notice or react to temperature changes quickly.
  • Workers Doing Hard Physical Labor: Jobs like lifting, digging, and walking a lot can lead to quick dehydration and severe heat stress.
  • People with Health Conditions: Those with heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, or those on certain medications are more at risk.

How to Stay Safe in the Heat

Stay Cool

Keep your body cool to prevent heat-related illness.

  • Stay Indoors: Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as you can. If you need to be outside, work in the mornings and evenings.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Wear lightweight, light-colored, and moisture-wicking clothes.
  • Check on Family: Check on family members, especially those at higher risk, often.
  • Stop if You Feel Sick: If you start feeling sick from the heat, tell someone and stop working right away.

Stay Hydrated

Your body loses fluids when you sweat, so it’s easy to get dehydrated in extreme heat.

  • Drink More Water: Drink more water than usual and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Stay away from alcoholic drinks.
  • Regular Water Breaks: Drink about four cups of water every hour when working outside.
  • Remind Others: Encourage everyone around you to drink enough water.

More Information

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Public Health
Health Reminder: Check your local heat risk