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The CDC, FDA, America's Poison Centers, and local partners are investigating serious illnesses linked to Diamond Shruumz™ chocolate bars, cones, and gummies, which contain a mix of mushrooms. As of June 11, 2024, 12 people in eight states have gotten sick, and 10 have been hospitalized. The exact cause of the illnesses is still unknown. People should not eat, sell, or serve these products and should throw away any they have. The CDC and FDA are checking if other products from this company also cause health problems.

Recommendations for the Public

  • Do not buy, eat, sell, or serve Diamond Shruumz™ products and discard any you have.
  • Avoid edibles claiming to cause euphoria or hallucinations, as they might be dangerous.
  • Store edibles safely away from children.
  • Seek immediate medical help or call the Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222) if you have symptoms after consuming these products. Report any adverse events to the FDA MedWatch.

The CDC and FDA have received reports of serious illnesses after people ate Diamond Shruumz™ chocolate bars, cones, and gummies. These products, sold online and in stores that sell hemp-derived and vape products, might contain unknown or harmful substances. Products with psychoactive compounds like cannabis or mushrooms are becoming more common. They are often sold as gummies, chocolates, or snacks and might include dangerous ingredients. Advertisements claim these products improve focus, increase energy, or cause euphoria and hallucinations.

Reports from 12 patients who ate Diamond Shruumz™ products show symptoms like sedation, seizures, muscle stiffness, abnormal heart rates, nausea, vomiting, and skin flushing. Ten patients were hospitalized, with some needing intensive care. No deaths have been reported. The CDC, FDA, and poison centers continue to monitor cases and ask people to report any suspected illnesses after consuming these products.

Recommendations for Clinicians

  • Advise patients not to buy, eat, or serve Diamond Shruumz™ products.
  • Warn against eating mushroom-containing edibles claiming to have psychoactive effects.
  • Be aware that these products might contain harmful ingredients.
  • Look for severe symptoms in patients who have recently eaten these products.
  • Get advice from medical toxicologists for managing unknown ingestions and consider routine diagnostic tests if needed.
  • Report cases of illness to local health authorities or poison centers.

Recommendations for Public Health Practitioners

  • Be aware of severe illnesses reported from Diamond Shruumz™ products.
  • Educate the public about the risks of mushroom-containing edibles with health claims.
  • Work with local poison centers to report and manage suspected cases.

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Public Health
Health Advisory Diamond Shruumz Brand Products