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Noise Complaint Form:

The public may enter a noise complaint by filling out the below noise complaint or by calling  203-576-7497.

Noise Complaint Form

Noise Sensitive Land Uses:

Whenever possible, please avoid overflight of the outlined noise sensitive area shown in the map.

Fixed Wing VFR Traffic Pattern Procedures

Pattern Altitude for all runways is 1,000' AGL for light single engine aircraft and 1,500' AGL for multi-engine aircraft.

Runway 24 Left-hand Patterns:

  1. Turn from downwind to base leg: maintain runway heading on upwind leg and initiate all truns after crossing the shoreline (avoid flying the crosswind leg over the Lordship area).
  2. Turn from the downwind to the base leg: should be made so as to fly offshore of the Stratford Point Lighthouse, direct towards Charles Island.
  3. Turn from downwind to base leg: should be made as feasible in order to minimize length of final and avoid overflight of the populated portions of Laurel Beach.
Runway 6 Right-hand Patterns:
  1. Turn from upwind to crosswind leg: maintain runway heading until reaching an altitude of at least 700' MSL; as soon as feasible thereafter turn to crosswind in order to minimize overflight of populated portions of Laurel Beach.
  2. Turn form crosswind to downwind leg: should not be made so as to fly offshore of the Stratford Point lighthouse.
  3. Turn from downwind to base leg: should not be initiated until passing the southwestern-most point of Lordship. If feasible, the base leg should be at least one-half mile from the shoreline.
Runway 11/29 Patterns:

If feasible, fly downwind leg south of populated areas of Laurel Beach. Avoid overflight of Lordship residential areas.

Helicopter Training Patterns:

Helicopter training patterns have been designed to be conducted at a runway end that does not interfere with the active runway, and to minimize overflight of noise sensitive areas.

  • When Runway 6/24 is active: the helicopter pattern will be on the north side of the approach end of runway 11. A tight traffic pattern should be maintained to avoid overflight of adjacent residential land areas.
  • When Runway 11/29 is active: the helicopter pattern will be on the north side of the approach end of Runway 6 over the airport property of meadowland area to the west.

Turbojet Business Aircraft:

Pilots of turbojet aircraft are requested to use NBAA recommended noise abatement procedures including the "standard" departure procedures and the procedures for VFR and IFR approaches.

Priority of Runway Use:

Runway 11/29 is the preferred runway for noise abatement. ATC will assign runways according to a noise abatement priority table, consistent with safe aircraft operation. Pilots are requested to conform to such assignments, except if the pilot deteremines, in the interest of safety, that another runway should be used; ATCshall assign that runway to the extent that air traffic and other conditions permit. The pilot will be informed if the requested runway is noise sensitive.

During the hours when the tower is not in operation, pilot are requested to utilize runway 11 or 29 when winds are 5 knots or less, consistent with safe aircraft operation.

Airport Restrictions:

The City of Bridgeport has adopted these restrictions to operations at Bridgeport-Sikorsky Airport.

  1. Touch and go operations are prohibited between 10 pm and 7 am.
  2. When tower is closed, all runups will be performed on taxiways Juliet and Kilo.
  3. Maintenance runups are prohibited between 10 pm and 7 am unless prior approval has been provided by the airport management.
  4. Departures between 10 pm and 7 am for aircraft with takeoff noise levels, as published in FAA Advisory Circular 36-3E (or it's most recent replacement) which exceed 82.0 dBA, (except for aircraft owned and operated by U.S. Government, aircraft operating for purposes directly related to medical emergencies, and aircraft operating with prior written approval from the airport management) are prohibited.